Alternate history communist germany
Alternate history communist germany

The fundamental premise of the series is that a ruthless terrorist attack in 1983 prevented the impending collapse of the Soviet Union, causing the bleak communist reality to survive into the next millennium. Set in an alternate timeline where the Iron Curtain still divides Europe in 2003, the series features an impressive cast of Polish actors as well as numerous locations any Pole will find familiar.

alternate history communist germany

Mostly cultural thou there proably be an music genre like Folk Metal or Something akin to ramstein being a craze in the 90 or 2000s.In late November this year, the global streaming giant Netflix will release “1983”, Poland’s first original series made specifically for the platform. Maybe german becomes a preferred language for trade in eastern europe for a bit if everyone still dislikes russia. If that all was to happen maybe a short lived nazi scare would happen in the 90's only to quickly die down as these proably stay cultural movements. Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Ukrian and the baltic states may or may not have similair post Sovjet revival movements. Old prussia being for most and sillicia maybe focusing more on its local culture that was pretty mixed beforehand. Poland proably have a lot of seperatist movements and revivalist movements. With that added note there not eas germany people they have to pay for.

alternate history communist germany

With these movements now having counter voices by people having lived in the same situation the polish and hungarians. since that is a direct result of west germany not being able to see the horrors of the eastern front and communist rule. Maybe sighting things as: ''we wish to read marx in his native language'' or ''A good communist know the languages of the worker'' Germany as whole probably be a lot less Pan-european. So likely a lot of These teens would be having a thriving counter culture based on the german language. The best thing to make youth wanne do somthing is making it illegal. the proably would be many parts of those communities that would assimilate only for there community to spit them out. I highly doubt all of them would assimilate.

Alternate history communist germany